By the way the post I started this thread with was the text of an e-mail I received and I reproduced it in its entirety to start off this thread.
Is that a request to move the thread to another board (eg Bristol Commuters?) If so , I will gladly do this , as I may have inadvertently veered off topic. Mind you , I am not the first , and I am sure that I wont be the last....
Regarding expanding on this further , basically Keith Walton sent an e-mail to anybody who is anybody in Bristol , blasting Julie Boston of
FOSBR▸ for their negative attitude. Andrew Griffiths also sent one to Julie along the same lines saying that
FGW▸ were prepared to work with FOSBR "if they are positive."
Also , I think that it is important to point out the difference between More Train , Less Strain (
MTLS▸ ) and Friends Of Suburban Bristol Railways (FOSBR) , for the benefit of new forum readers :
MTLS were set up originally as a "direct action" group to protest against the effects of the December 2006 Timetable and the associated rolling stock reductions , but who now have wider aims. The
RMT▸ are largely supportive of MTLS (not withstanding the example you gave) but FGW would probably rather they didnt exist.
FOSBR are a user / pressure group of longstanding (many years.) RMT policy is to fully support their aims , and FGW actually encourage people to join FOSBR (see notes in Timetable E.) FOSBR are also fully - cooperative members of the Severn Beach Line Working Group , along with FGW , Network Rail , Bristol City Council & others.
See their website for fuller details of what FOSBR stands for (link below.) criticism raised by Keith Walton in his e-mail was that FOSBR's attitude somehow belittled the efforts of community groups who help maintain Severn Beach Line stations. This is most unfair , as not only have FOSBR publicised these groups efforts , they have also provided volunteers to help them (as KW well knows.)
FOSBR , in fact , passionately promotes the role of local rail in the community. One example is the talk that I am due to give on their behalf at a church in Shirehampton on October 23 2007. I am really looking forward to meeting the members of the congregation , listening to their views , and explaining how I feel that they and FOSBR can work together to maintain / improve things along their local line.
All things considered , I believe that FOSBR have a very positive attitude , and what they do is very much along the lines of what I wanted to do when I became a rail campaigner.
In case anyone is wondering , this doesnt mean that I think that MTLS , or their campaign , are any less worthy.