The current
Great Western franchise is ending on 31st March 2013, and just before Christmas [2011], the Department for Transport (
DfT» ) published a consultation document concerning the future provision of services after that date on services that it covered.
The DfT proposal is for a single, 15 year franchise - effective from 1st April 2013 to 31st March 2028, and their consultation document runs to 31st March 2012. The press release that covers the consultation is at:
*> link / header page on the DfT website is here:
*> the Great Western Franchise Replacement Consultation document itself is at:
*> is some 6 Mbytes / 99 pages long.
This is probably the most important and far reaching consultation that's relevant to this forun since it was set up. Rail travel is an integral part of the economy of the South West of England and South Wales - its tentacles reach directly or indirectly into many aspects of life, and getting this one "right" is of paramount, and long-reaching consequence.
The consultation's originators have included some 34 specific points on which they seek input (but I can't say that I can see anything that limits inputs to those specific questions).
Views vary as to how effective consultations inputs actually are. Some will say that they just allow boxes to be ticked. Others who are less cynical will say that they can make a real difference. Of course, it would be impossible for every suggestion made to be taken up, so many ideas put forward may, in the end, appear to have been "for nowt". But (personally), I don't believe that's even the case ... it may at times feel like no-one listens, but if enough people talk, and keep on talking, we can each and all help towards shaping a rail service that's appropriate for our needs for the next decade and a half.
"This forum is provided by a First Great Western Customer, for First Great Western customers". So says our introduction page. Although we currently have "First" in our current title (who knows beyond 2013?), the forum is not sponsored or funded by the First Group in any way. So we're very clearly an appropriate place / tool to discuss the next franchise, independent of who is eventually awarded the franchise.
This new board "Looking forward - 2013 to 2028" has been created for discussions on the new franchise, the process, and other aspects associated with lines / services currently run as part of the Great Western franchise, or discussed for inclusion formally or informally.
The moderator team will (as ever) be taking a keen interest from both a personal and a group standpoint, and they're tentatively proposing that the CoffeeShop inputs be summarised and used to make a submission. Views on that welcomed.
Speaking personally again, I would encourage groups and individuals to read the documents carefully, and make submissions to the Department for Transport where appropriate ... especially where they can add local, journey specific, or specialised knowledge, feelings and information to help make a better outcome for the whole.
If you are not a member of the Coffee Shop, but would like to contribute, please sign up. Registration is free - we (the team of moderators and administrators running the forum) just need to have a mechanism to know who's posting so that we're not flooded out by spam and other inapproriate material. You can read more about being a member