From the
FGW▸ press release:
Train operator First Great Western (FGW) and its community rail partners scooped 10 prizes and 2 commendations at the annual Community Rail Awards (ACoRP▸ ).
For the second year running, FGW was named overall winner for its ^Outstanding Delivery of the Community Rail Strategy.^
The annual ceremony celebrates outstanding achievement in community rail development and recognises the relationships fostered between train operators and their local communities. As well as taking out the top prize, First Great Western^s strong partnership with community rail was recognised across a series of categories:
^ Devon and Cornwall Community Rail Partnership were awarded first prize for Best Community Rail Event, and second prize for Involving Young People. Volunteer Rachel Nafzger was also recognised with second prize award for Outstanding Volunteer Contribution.
^ The Heart of Wessex partnership took out first prize in the Photo Competition, and were also highly commended for Best Community Rail Event and the Outstanding Teamwork Award.
^ Severnside Community Rail Partnership won first prize for Best Marketing Publication, and third prize for Community Arts Schemes.
^ First Prize for Outstanding Volunteer was won by John Phillips of the TARKA Rail Association.
^ And second prize in Best Community Rail Event went to the AVOCET Rail Users Group .
First Great Western^s Managing Director, Mark Hopwood, said: ^These awards are testament to all the hard work of the community rail partnerships and a dedication to a partnership approach with the partnerships, local authorities and Network Rail. We work closely with the partnerships in our region on a day-to-day basis and we feel great pride to be recognised as the industry leader in community rail. ^
On a personal note - as an employee of the Severnside
CRP▸ :
I'm delighted that we won an award for our
Progress Report, which has appeared (with favourable responses) on this forum earlier in the year, and the Filton Abbey Wood leaflet. No, I didn't have any involvement in the production of those particular items myself: all of the credit is due to Keith Walton and Heather Cullimore for those!
However, I did do just a little bit of measuring up and painting at Bedminster station - so I'll claim an 'assist' on that one ...
And I'd also like to congratulate my colleagues in the other local CRPs - Devon and Cornwall, and Heart of Wessex, and the teams on the
Tarka▸ and
Avocet▸ lines, for their awards.