How many rakes are in daily service at moment? If two are away at Wabtec then they can't be described as 'already about' surely? Or have I misunderstood your post?
Two or three. On RailForums board, there are 5 rakes detailed, and I know two are at Wabtec. So that should leave three, but of course you only see two inservice on any day, so it's difficult to tell without actually eyeballing them every day to be certain.
There's currently two (though I'm sure I counted three when I had my day out last week!), two more should be delivered by next spring, with a final spare set shortly after that.
It the wording here that's confusing. If Rail means 'delivered' as in being in service after Wabtec with power doors, then the current number is zero. If they mean currently in Chiultern's hands, then it's five already. So, either definition produces an answer different to Rail's!
Regarding the RAIL article - which I never claimed was any more accurate than the forum posting by the way, just contradicting it - the DVT▸ situation is that, according to their quoted source, Engineering Director, Kate Majoribanks, 83201/4 are currently at Wabtec being fitted with Harrington Generators International for a delivery by the end of the year, with the other three following by next spring.
OK, I believe Kate. She definitely knows her stuff. Engineering degree and all. What she says goes - I'm sure I was informed that one had been done a short while ago.,