Maladjusted injectors squirting too much fuel in sounds like the engines are not as economical as they should be?
Not as clear cut as it seems.
injectors could be compared to the tappets on a petrol engine, reliant on the correct adjustment being made at service time. The engine would leave the factory set for optimum performance but if adjusted in service then I agree the engines would not be as economical as claimed if they are wrongly adjusted. A manufacturer can always set up the engine to produce the fuel burn claimed by correctly setting the injectors.
I remember a case where the Public Transport operator in Bristol procured new buses for the Bristol Area (this was before the privatisation of the bus service) from Leyland. This coincided with a fuel crisis and the mechanics adjusted the injectors to reduce the amount of fuel used. The drivers reported that the buses seemed to lack power. Leyland were called in by the operating side WITHOUT consulting the servicing side of the business. Leyland discovered the cause, the 'cutting back' of the injectors which invalidated the warranties on the vehicles and a hefty bill was presented by Leyland to the operator for the work to set up the injectors to give optimum performance. A lesson learnt the hard way.