I agree noisy kids is a fact of life and it happens, but in FA's case where the mother was making no attempt to stop the kid from crying seems pretty poor.
That was the point. Was sitting in the pram wailing whilst the mother was amusing herself.
Contract this to a journey I took yesterday........
16XX from new street to bristol - cant remember the exact time. Was a five car vomiter with one
FC‡. Woman got in with two children wanting to upgrade. Would not even sit down until the
TM‡ said it was ok - despite me and others assuring her she could. There was no table available so I volunteered mine.
The children were children but the mom took steps to ensure they were as well behaved as two small children could be. Squealing was met with "we'll be thrown out of here if you make that noise and have to sit in the busy place down there". They were children but I had no issue sharing - even though I had to convince her it was ok as she didnt want to disturb me working.
I seriously doubt that mother would have let her child wail without at least some effort to quiet it or not offer some explanation which anyone would accept.
The issue I have is SOME parents thinking that breeding gives them more rights than anyone. The two incidents in question were:
1. The issue aforementioned
2. When the woman with the pram positioned it between G and the micro buffet thereby preventing anyone including the customer host getting back to the micro buffet. The pram was too large to fit through the slidy door into SC (or even FC). She seemed to think since that was the only place she could stand she could prevent 2 carriages of the train getting anything from the buffet.