From the
DfT» press release:
Weston-super-Mare is one step closer to benefitting from a ^16m package of infrastructure improvements, Transport Minister Paul Clark announced today whilst in the West Country.
The scheme has received initial Government approval and aims to support the major regeneration and growth planned for the area and help keep traffic moving freely.
The project would deliver improvements to Junction 21 (J21) of the M5 and other parts of the road network. It would also reduce queuing to get onto the motorway and address the congestion problems around the junction.
Transport Minister Paul Clark said:
^An efficient and reliable transport system is critical to any local community. This is why we^re investing significant amounts of money in infrastructure in towns and cities across the country. Over the next few years Weston-super-Mare is going to benefit from major changes and it^s vital we make access a priority with so many more residents, commuters and businesses expected in to the area. This investment underlines the Government^s commitment to delivering major improvements in the South West.^
The scheme also includes:
^ Improvements to the A370 to better link the town centre with the rest of the town including the area being redeveloped as part of the Gateway project.
^ Major upgrade of facilities at Worle Railway Station, including a new car park, cycle facilities on the south side of the station, improved bus interchange, and better facilities on the platforms for passengers. New or extended bus services will also now call at the station with improved bus priority.
Today's decision means that North Somerset Council can move forward with detailed planning for the scheme.