I'm not sure
where to post this ... but it's a subject that applies right across the
UK▸ rail network, so I suppose it is "wider picture" material.
I've gotten to be very familiar with the three letter codes (
TLCs▸ ) for stations, so was surpised to see 4 digit codes used on tickets:
There seems to have been a software modification recently to STAR. The 10-digit number on the right would formerly have been displayed 2034o3410W34 instead of all bunched up together.
The four-digit National Location Code (NLC▸ ) of the issuing station is next - the ticket office and TVMs▸ at any given location seem to have different codes, e.g. 3115 for Oxford ticket office but 6254 for Oxford TVMs. The NLC is followed by a letter indicating the former BR▸ region that controlled the issuing station (E for Eastern, H for Scottish, M for London Midland, S for Southern, W for Western). Last came the window number (with apologies to TJ for the repetition!)
And looking wider, there seem to be an awful lot of codes around ... all of these are for the same place / line:
3346 .. NLC (National Location Code)
75361 -
Stanox▸ (Station Numbers)
MKM» - TLC (Three Letter Code)
Tiploc▸ (Timing Point Locations)
GW523 -
PRIDE▸ code (Possession Resource Information Database)
WEY - ELR (Engineer's Line References)
Are there any major code groups I have missed out?
An excellent site listing 'em all and much more ...