Just another student looking for other people to do their research - god bless the web (not)
In normal circumstances I would agree. However, I don't think there are many books (?) about
FGW▸ so I'll let them off!
Hmmm... I don't think the lack of books is the point here, really. The web is a fantastic resource for researching almost any subject, however it still requires the researcher to put some effort into filtering what they need out of it. It's all too easy to plagiarise; however one will invariably get caught out eventually.* What counts is genuine effort and a little originality.
This forum already contains pretty much all the information a researcher would need to produce a pretty good overview of the current standing of FGW both from an insider's and passenger's perspective (especially from a school or college project point of view). I'd suggest the way to go about such an investigation would be to sign up, spend some time studying the layout, content and themes, pin down the subjects which interest you or which you deem to be worthy of more attention, and if necessary then pose some pertinent questions - since there are some extremely knowledgeable people on here.
Diving in unannounced and asking others to do the work for you is not on, sorry to say. Consequently I'm with Fallen Angel on this one.
* I'm speaking here as one who has all too often has his own work plagiarised, stolen, and / or reprinted. The odd thing is that I instinctively recognise my own words; even quite short extracts can ring warning bells, sometimes ten or more years later. I'm sure I'm not alone in this, but have no way of knowing really!