I agree with Mookiemoo - if a loophole is there, you can't blame a passenger for using it.
5. I am the first to alert the TM▸ to people I know are dodging or avoiding paying! I nearly got into a bitch fight on friday because of it!
Very noble! What response do you get from the guard - it must be a difficult situation?
Before, how did you ensure you woke up before Reading?
Varies - depending on the guard and the situation
On thurs and fri -
FC▸ on the cotwolds line is the first place the dodger head and hide in the toilets
Often its just a - you know you've got XYZ down there boasting about not having a ticket - and the TM normally goes down and evicts them (they usuallly dont have ANY ticket let alone a FC)
However on the train on fri - I liked the TM - he sorted my issue at Pad! But at Evesham two chavs got on - one who made me look like kate moss (those of you who may have worked out who I am will know what I mean). They sat behind me taking the piss out of first class passengers. As I packed up at pershore I suggested they didnt sit there without tickets (which they'd admitted) taking the piss of people who paid 900 quid plus a month.. Slagging off and everything ensued - the one who could walk rather than waddle (I am not thin by any means! so I say this openly ) - pursuied me down the train because I offended her friend when I forced my way past as she blocked the carriage exit by standing there! I reported to the TM that not only did they not have a ticket they didnt have an FC ticket - the best he could offer was opening the door andinviting me to run for it.