Concern about rail ticket prices and bus driver behaviour contributed to a 15% rise in complaints made to a London passenger watchdog (link below.) Of 1,748 complaints dealt with by London TravelWatch in the past year , rail fare increases and ticket restrictions prompted most concern.
Chairman Brian Cooke said staff conduct on buses "continues to be a problem".
An Association of Train Operating Companies spokesman said many "cheap" rail tickets were available in advance.
An inside view on fare policy can be found in the link below. Mr Cooke said rail passengers remain concerned about getting value for money from their tickets.
"The large premiums that train companies in the London area are now paying the government for the franchise is a cause for concern," he said.
"These premiums are much larger in the London area, where over 70% of all national rail journeys take place. Londoners are getting fed up with effectively paying more for their tickets, and subsidising loss-making lines elsewhere."