Oops... Forgot about this thread!
Therein lies another problem. The eligibility criteria for DSB railcards and bus passes are markedly different. I'm eligible for, and have, a DSB railcard. However I'm not eligible for a bus pass.
BNM is right. I know the rules are different. But the only 2 consistant ones where you can get both are: "Receiving Disability Living Allowance at the Middle or Higher Care Rate or the Mobility Rate" If you get DLA at (I believe it's 1 but might be both) those rates. A Disabled Railcard and Disabled Bus Pass are yours!
However when it comes to "Refused a driving license under medical grounds" there are different criteria. A Disabled Bus Pass will accept any reason providing it's not due to "A Condition resulting from Substance, Alcohol or Drugs Abuse".
A Disabled Railcard is different on this one. Their Criteria is "Refused a Driving License because you have Epilepsy". So you can only get the railcard if you cannot drive due to Epilepsy. (Which I think is wrong because IF you've been refused a driving license because of medical conditions. Providing it's not due to same exclusion as a bus pass. You still can't bl*ddy drive!! So what different should it make?!!!)
I get both of these passes on the DLA grounds. But I would be accepted for a Bus Pass application purely on the grounds I was refused a Driving License on Medical Grounds when I first applied. However it was due to an eyesight problem caused by my medication, Not Epilepsy (Although that is looking like it could be a future possibility
). So purely on those grounds, I would not be entitled to a Disabled Railcard.
I am however as I said, Covered under the DLA criteria so I do get both
It would strike me that we could have a whole topic area based around The Trout's bad moods lol!!!! Seems to be a common theme on more than one thread ;-) [ No offence meant TT.... just teasing ]
None taken at all bigdaz
- January was a very bad month for me and I have been rather... err... not my usual self
However things are looking a little better now into February! So I will try and keep the bad moods and rants to a minimum!