I've uploaded a graph comparing the performance in terms of acceleration of various types of traction that forum readers might be interested in?
The graph shows the acceleration of trains at 1/4 mile increments up to their respective top speeds. Data included is for
HST▸ 's of both 7 and 8 carriages, Turbos, and 180's with 4 engines out of 5 working. Data is based on actual downloads and uses the best recorded based on several downloads of each train type.
The data is from a standing start heading west out of Slough station (which is practically level track), with moderately loaded trains, where no wheelslip was encountered and the train was driven to the relevant driving standards - i.e. a progressive increase in power notches, and on HST's full power not being selected until the whole of the train had left the platform.
It's interesting to note that although a Turbo has the initial advantage, they soon drop off and are left trailing by the 125mph traction. It is also interesting to note the differences between 2+7 and 2+8 HST's. Unfortunately I have yet to get my hands on enough data for a fully working Adelante as it is quite unusual to get all five engines working properly and there to be no wheel-slip this time of year. When I can get hold of data I will add it, but for the meantime it is interesting to see that an Adelante with one engine out still matches the performance of a full-length HST.
To view the graph click on the link below...