In course of checking things for the first class fares thread I noticed that
GWR▸ has
set a fare for accompanied surfboards, but only between a very limited selection of destinations - i.e. St Erth and Penzance and St Erth and St Ives. (If you need to take a surfboard between Penzance and St Ives, that's two tickets - and if you come back again, another two)!expert?orig=SER&dest=SIV
An accommodation for the park-and-ride operation at St Erth perhaps? So, four pounds for the person and ten pounds twenty pence for the board.
Goodness knows where the terms and conditions for that particular fare can be found, but it's reminded me of the time *remeniscence alert* when the railway was far less prescriptive about accompanied luggage - particularly as we ran small businesses and totally relied on the railway's ability to transport, say, just about the longest items we ever needed to move - photo attached of a friend transferring a pair of 12 foot oars between trains at Waterloo and Waterloo east, en-route for Greenwich.
Thankfully the time we needed to get something to Charlbury at a few hours notice, it was a leaden packet of copper fastenings rather than something of inordinate length, so it was a quick trip to Feltham on the bus for the Red Star office there.