2: Gela.
Indeed - on Scicily.
You might think a little old railmotor like that had been pottering about on Sicily since it was built in the 80s. But no - part of the process of locating it was finding a report* that it moved from Treviso to Catania in May this year, and then started operating between Gela and Siracusa. And Treviso is up north of Venice!
*on a site that keeps track of the hundreds of these ALn 668 things: you find those railway enthusiasts everywhere! Fascinating ... I had arrived in Gela on this service from Siracusa and it had felt like it was out of the ark and had been there for ever. We left Siracusa full and standing and lost passengers along the way until there were just a handful of us by Gela. We lost time along the way as we interacted with engineering works, then waited in a loop for a train coming the other way so that it could maintain time and connections (there were no immediate onward connections off our train, so it was logical to delay it further). The conductor advised us that we woud be at that intermediate unstaffed statioon for a while, and that we would make sure to call us back before it left (rail-aware, I had my ear and eyes open for the train coming the other way anyway). It's that friendliness and locallity of single car trains - no "mass" of mass transit that makes longer trains impersonal - that brings a love for this sort of train / service.
I suppose we should not be surprised at the movement of these things around a nation. 153s that were familiar to us in Melksham will turn up now at Fishguard or Crewe, and there's five of them in the West Highlands. We outgrew the 153s at Melksham and that's really a good thing - the economics of maintaing a line just for a single 153 are dubious but there is still a historic love for what Casper and his friends brought us. Casper would be welcome back to provide a "contra" service - leaving Swindon ten minutes after the tine the grown up train leaves Westbury, and leaving Westbury ten minutes before the grown up train leaves Swindon.