Most of my bus journeys tend to be between local towns; Reading to Wokingham/Bracknell or Reading to Newbury.
services are fairly labyrinthine
This is normally (locally?) a function of subsidy to enable the availability (?) to the most number of potential passengers for the amount of subsidy paid. This means that buses through Wokingham tend to have their routes reviewed and changed fairly regularly so that the council thinks it is getting the most passengers for its pound. Gets gripes from the elderly passengers that Reading is causing the problem (their buses) but it is actually caused by their council (Wokingham).
West Berkshire does tend to advertise especially their cheap bus deals in the run up to Christmas. Never seen anything off bus in Reading despite the council owning the bus company.
Going "further afield" to Oxford I think there is less information now that Thames Travel has been completely absorbed into Oxford Bus. To High Wycombe I tend avoid Arriva (especially the back seats) as they had another bus fire this year, and seen another one towed out of Reading in the last month. Don't always have timetables on their bus stops.
I would have though with the current situation on the railways that bus companies should have been shouting their wares from the roof tops.