The previous general meeting of TravelWatch SouthWest (
TWSW» ) was held in Taunton two years ago "on this day" as I write -
2nd March 2020. Just two weeks later, we were in lockdown and though we have met very productively in Webinars and via Zoom a number of times since, and our board has met and been active too, we have sorely missed the "In Real Life' meetings.
So I'm delighted to announce that the General Meetings will be able to resume soon - the first one to be on Friday 20th May 2022 at a Taunton venue. We already have a full package of topics to be covered in the sessions during the day, and VIPs (political, operational technical and academic) who are keen to talk or to sit on a panel and discuss all sorts of matters.
Save the date in your diary - technically a members meeting, but we welcome any [reasonable] group to join and send a rep, and also independent individuals if we're the right forum for them.
So much is and has been going on that we risk overpacking a general meeting, and so we'll also be running a further series of Webinars / Zoom sessions - roughly once a month - through the spring and in to the summer. I will add dates and subjects on the Coffee Shop as they are announced.
I suppose - for those who aren't aware - that I should clarify that I'm a member of the TWSW board, which is why I write "we". I do feel very much out of my depth amongst very throughful, much experienced, and properly trained people there, but the role has helped me learn and also feed back forum and passenger views. The board membership is for a three year term and expires this autumn - the AGM▸ will be on 25th November or 2nd December and I don't know if I'll be going for another term.