Agree, unfortunate timing. Could be worse though, at least this delay is not directly* the fault of the railway. Multiple fallen trees and other weather related disruption are arguably caused, at least in part, by global warming. An increase in such events may be expected.
Whilst the main purpose of COP 26 is to reduce global warming, I would expect some discussion about mitigating the consequences of global warming, including making transport infrastructure more resistant to increasingly extreme weather. The fatal accident at Stonehaven was weather related, and last nights accident at Salisbury may well be weather related.
It would have been much worse had disruption been the fault of the railway, such as broken trains, staff shortage, major signaling failure or other "own goals"
*There MIGHT of course be some blame attached to "the railway" For example by failing to promptly remove trees liable to fall, or failure to recover promptly from incidents.
After the first report of one tree at Long Buckby, I did wonder why trains could not use the parallel route via Weedon. There were a number of shorter possessions in several places, but during the day the route should have been useable if not originally pathed. However,
NR» never did got it open all day - I suspect the weather may have been involved in that too. And with so many other trees on a nunber of lines, yesterday did go off the end of the "should cope with" scale.