Kintore is not only open but has lots of trains - at least one local an hour each way, plus others less regularly. And there's even hourly ones on Sundays!
Just before it closed, in 1962, there were only trains to Aberdeen at 07:34, 08:10, 13:26, 17:15, and 21:44. Coming back, arrivals were at 07:61, 08:32, 16:38, 18:06, 22:24, and (Saturdays only) 22:45. No Sunday service on that line! There were a lot more in 1939, though even then just one train a day on Sunday.
And if you want to find out that sort of thing, and don't have a stack of old timetables on your shelves,
the Timetable World site has just had a massive transfusion of new timetables. Its screen interface is new, but just as eccentric as the old one. It take a bit of getting used to, but when you do it's pretty effective - given that the resource is sets of images of all the (surviving) pages in each big book.