I've posted for the Coffee Shop
here on Facebook and of course a picture saves a thousand words
What future shape the operation and management of the railways? What government objectives, and how will they be implemented? Could this be good for the rail industry, or could "the reshaping of Britsh railways" lead to some less positive outcomes? With the announcement of the end of franchising, extended EMAs for the short term, and a white paper once the future is clearer, with the Transport Minister stating that "the reforms will enable substantial medium and longer-term savings for taxpayers, what is the underlying current behind the desire form many here for a better - and perhaps bigger - railway, and how do we best set about partnering with the powers that be to persuade them to take a direction that works for us all? Announcement at
http://www.passenger.chat/24038 with member polls at
http://www.passenger.chat/24040 and
http://www.passenger.chat/24041 asking what you would like the government to do, and what you think they will acutally do. If you're reading this on Facebook, you are very welcome to join our forum ( always free ), add your views and vote. Sign ups via