* slide set at
http://www.passenger.chat/tc_20200206.pdf - some slides:
Thanks to BobM for writing up the notes for us this week ...
Coffee Shop Tuesday Club - 2nd June 2020 - “Desires and fears associated with our return to public transport”A recent survey in the South West showed only 16% of people would be happy to start using public transport again when the current essential use restrictions are lifted.GE said early responses showed most people were looking at the short to medium term with little appetite to look longer term.
LF, in France, took a train at the first opportunity and as he travelled on a lightly used service he felt safe. France also intended to run most of its
TGV▸ services with no social distancing by the end of the month. This was based on evidence drawn from their track and trace system and the effectiveness of the air-conditioning on the trains. SI said this also applied to some airlines.
GE said
GWR▸ hoped to get 80% of its services running by the end of July and 100% by December but with lower capacity due to distancing. He felt the superfast trains might be an issue and Sunday service on the TransWilts line needed restoring.
LF believed the need to wear a facemask on trains could be a disincentive to travel. On a hot day or a long journey they do become uncomfortable.
GE thought taking the enjoyment away from travelling would put some people off. The prospect of a crammed train to Weymouth would make people think twice about travelling.
SI believed the behaviour of other passengers would also have an effect. If everyone observes social distancing and follows instructions it is fine but a few people not following directions could put others off.
GE asked if having travelled the destination was going to be enjoyable or safe.
LF inquired if the scenes seen on beaches were typical.
RW said away from the coast and attractions people seemed to be keeping to the guidelines.
RK said in Cornwall a lot of people had come from up country but there had not been too many issues.
TW recounted he had seen a huge gathering of under 40s gathering in central Bristol and drinking even though the pubs were closed.
RK said National Trust was opening some of its gardens and car parks.
GE felt walking had become seen as more acceptable and people didn’t feel as self conscious going for a solo walk.
SI said the science had yet to establish a complete picture of the effect of the virus. Resolving that would help inform peoples’ decision to whether to travel.
TW said he had found better things to do without the need to travel and he certainly would not consider travelling any great distance – eg London.
GE felt Zoom meetings had proved a more efficient way of working and may mean people make fewer business trips in the future.
BM added it did seem people were calling more meetings than in past simply because they were easier to stage.
See full slide set for eight statements from the Facebook Page ... A poster on the forum’s Facebook page raised the question of promotional fares as services return.
LF noted in France some cheaper fares had been suspended in the short term.
Another poster suggested the over 50s were put off going out and travelling because of the perceived behaviour of others who did not follow the rules.
It was agreed the bad behaviour of others was a disincentive for many.
LF said some people were now deciding what is safe themselves.
SI agreed there was more individual interpretation going on and that was being encouraged by government.
Another poster said frustration was creeping in among older people who wanted to get out and about and get their lives back before it is too late.
RW questioned whether the two metre rule could be reduced to one.
Another poster suggested compulsory facemasks would increase confidence in using public transport.
SI said that it was important the masks were used and disposed of properly or they risked increasing the spread of infection.
Finally looking ahead, is this a chance to improve the climate with fewer emissions, better health, quality of life and preservation of habitat?
TW believes increasing car provisions in cities will not happen as space is at a premium and councils get greater income from buildings through rates etc.
TW also suggested when all schools go back there could be an increase in car use as before the restrictions it was well known 30% of rush hour traffic was children going to or from school.
LF said the likely worsening of the economy could see fewer using cars and public transport after losing their jobs.