A politicians guide to urban public transport.
1) lets build a new railway line.
2) Heavy rail is old fashioned and too expensive.
3) We should build a light railway in that case, nearly as good and sounds more modern.
4) That is too expensive.
5) Lets build a street running tramway then, "more accessible"
6) Too disruptive to the community, and also expensive, dangerous to cyclists.
7) What about a guided bus way then ?
eight) Still too expensive, and might upset motorists.
9) Trolley buses then ? Motorists can still use the road as well.
10) No way! old fashioned, the overhead looks ugly and might electrocute children.
11) Lets replace our diesel buses with battery ones.
12) Costs a lot of money for marginal gain. Liable to "mow down" mothers and children as silent.
13) How about painting the existing buses green, and adding a logo that implies low emissions ?
14) I think that might be the way forward !
15) I reckon we could get a fast food chain or supermarket to sponsor our new greener buses.
16) Good thinking.
At each stage in the above process add in one or more of the following.
1) studies into newts.
2) A fact finding trip overseas to observe how other countries do it.
3) Stakeholder discussions.
4) Studies into the bat population and impact thereon.
5)) A
UK▸ fact finding trip to Blackpool.
6) Studies into the impact on diversity issues.
7) A wide ranging study into the bird population and effects thereon.
Studies into the effects on the LBGT population.