Paging grahame for a more technical explanation.
Looking at the image info (in Firefox) shows that it is downloaded full size:
Location: http:// ... _112636_zpsmlmojofe.jpg
Type: WEBP Image
Size: 5,810.95 KB (5,950,416 bytes)
Dimensions: 5,120px × 2,368px (scaled to 1,024px × 474px)
6 MB in a concentrated lump in a web page is going to be noticeable on a VSDL line that's now only "fast", though from memory it was slower than that when first seen. As to why it's a .jpg file but identified as a WEBP image ... that needs an even more technical explanation!
I think Stuving has provided the technical stuff there, BigNoseMac and SandTEngineer
Basically, they're held as blooming big images on the web server BigNoseMac uses and the whole blooming big image is sent out to your browser, which then reduces them for screen display. And as it's a reduction of 5 x in each dimension (X and Y) it means that there's 5 x 5 = 25 times the data actually needed for the display coming down the line.
So it works out (with image resized
at browser) something like ...
2G - don't even try it!
3G - typical excellent case - 1 Mbyte / second = 6 seconds per image;
20 seconds for this thread 4G - typical excellent case - 7.5 Mbytes / second = 0.9 seconds per image; 4 seconds for this thread
Image resized
on server to 1k x 474 pixels would cut the download time:
2G - don't even try it!
3G - typical excellent case - 1 Mbyte / second ...
1 second for this thread 4G - typical excellent case - 7.5 Mbytes / second ... 0.2 of a second for this thread
Also bear in mind that if you have a data limit / pay per gigabyte, BigNoseMac's posts are going to be more expensive to view
I am ... hopeful ... we can add image hosting and resolution changing at the server when we update the software; I'm very familiar with the technology in PHP but need the proverbial month of Sundays of spare time if I were to do it in that time, and it's not 'worth' doing on the old software. If we do it, you WILL loose the ability to save BNM's pictures and get high quality prints off them. At 5k pixels, an A4 print would give you over 400 dpi (dots per inch) whereas the 1k reduced image would only be around 75 dpi - in effect preview rather than final quality mode. Perhaps an advantage to BMN who could then sell you any pictures you wanted in high quality