I do wonder at how long it takes some people to buy a ticket. Yesterday I thought somebody was making a bid for the bus, or re-arranging the national debt it took so long. Ticket apps on smartphones aren't that wonderful, there tends to be a problem finding the ticket app amongst the hundreds they possibly have on the phone.
When people actually use them correctly (loading the ticket up before boarding the bus), they are so much faster than buying your ticket on the bus. The only thing that can beat it is
Oyster▸ / contactless in London. The problems are that the app (at least the First one) quite often crashes, or is slower than usual to load, so something that should take less than 10 seconds actually takes more than 30 and that you are basically reliant on the real time bus times on an app / at the bus stop being accurate for you to know when to actually load up the ticket. Personally, if the app reliability and real time information can be improved then that solves any issues with the mobile tickets. Paying by cash still takes a lot longer, and you can really feel it when say 5 people board with their mobile tickets then one person pays in cash.