« Reply #1 on: November 04, 2018, 08:01:20 » |
Historic - role of Community Rail Officer at TransWilts (in my time)
Written up to help provide a basis / checklist for the incoming CRO - as times change, some of these activities may no longer be relevant, some may be delegated, others may be added. I have taken a very careful look at names and personal data in here and I don't think I have revealed any secret names.
What did I do in my role as Community Rail Officer for TransWilts? (Some overlap between items; some as side issues during other work; some automatic nature anyway)
* Knowing what's going on - feeling the pulse and mood * Travelling regularly, advising of issues, being approachable by staff and passengers * Station / poster / facility surveys and getting things updated * Guiding and informing passengers - especially the regular ones * Surveys / logging - formally and informally inc. arrangement and co-ordination * Technical answers via phone and email; technical reports as appropriate * Learning surverying and feeding back on services updates / changes * Raising the TransWilts profile at ACoRP▸ , RailFuture, DfT» * Updating TransWilts poster boards * Preparing for / visiting with community and other groups to encourage public transport use * Co-ordinating and taking part in events such as Party in Park, Food Festival, Carnival, Comm. rail in City * Updating Facebook and monitoring / answering as appropriate * Putting together occasional Facebook videos (Dog on train, John's Story, etc) * Articles for MIN every fortnight, for BBC» Wiltshire, Wiltshire times and other press * Press release and data for newsletter to Membership Secretarty * Encouraging people to join TransWilts * Pastoral care for volunteers and sometimes others * Watching for vulnerable youngsters and others * Decide on which projects to pursue * Logging train and line performance * Produce literature, get it checked, and deal with printing and distribution * Arranging volunteers for surveys and leaflet distribution * Liaise with and assist other CRPs▸ * Engage with councils, community groups and organisations and user groups * Feedback to / from councils and GWR▸ * Working with communities to ensure inclusion in core and neighbourhod plans * Tracking and helping answer consultations * Total travel sugegstions and partnering including ... * Liaison with RailFuture, TravelWatch and others; raising profile of TransWilts there * Keeping an eye on fare and routing structures and easements in order maximise real ridership * Ensuring that the team is acknowldged / thanked / rewarded * Award entries - esp. for volunteers - Lee, Peter, Bob and Paul all selected in recent years * Writing reports for ACoRP, area boards, GWR Community and Stakeholder literature, TransWilts annual, etc * Share experiences with other community rail partnerships; help nurture newer partnerships and friends groups * Most of above short to medium term (tacical); also provide inputs to chair who has lead on strategic issues. - Via Well House Contract, providing office, meeting and storage space, staff resource for above, facebook boost and leaflet printing for [amount redacted] per annum
What was my area of operation?
Immediate: * Melksham and Chippenham are designated stations; I have been lead at Melksham station working with MRUG» ; Paul has lead at Chippenhmam with CHRUG * Swindon - a much larger station, not a designated station so lesser involvement; Bob is a good lead there * Trowbridge and Westbury. TransWilts is the junior CRP there and all none-service activities are with prior liaison with Catherine, Heather, Keith, Roger
And also: * Dilton Marsh and Warminster - not on any regular CRP service but taken under TransWilts wing ("Swindon to Westbury with some service to Salisbury amd Southampton") * Pewsey, which had a gap in Station friend's groups and Community Rail and we have helped get them started * Frome, where working with Heart of Wessex we sorted out timetable and departure issues * southwards via Salisbury, worhing with Three Rivers to look at joined up Swindon to Solent services