A little bit of an experiment - looking to alert people reasonably well ahead of time about changes to our community rail service so they don't get lost in the swirl of other notes and notices. Not full data, but "check on these dates". Comments / thoughts welcome. I have put this up on Facebook, wonder whether to make it a monthly thing - or if indeed
GWR▸ should / could provide something at the level - lots of data there, but perhaps a gap in looking a couple of months ahead for specific lines / services?

TransWilts - 1st to 27th April. On the circled dates, train services between Westbury and Swindon, via Trowbridge, Melksham and Chippenham will be varied due to planned engineering works. Where no suitable alternative to your usual train is offered, but there is a suitable service operating via Bath Spa, you can use that alternative via Bath. We have also confirmed that tickets routed "via Melksham" are valid on all direct trains using the line (subject to usual peak / off peak restrictions) whether or not the train calls at Melksham.
Sunday 8th April - there will be a service running about once an hour, all day, with all services calling at Trowbridge and Chippenham, and about a half of them callng at Melksham. Most of these trains will run beyond Westbury to / from Portsmouth Harbour. Please check train times - they will differ from normal call times.
Saturday 14th April - Trains will run about every 2 hours between Westbury and Chippenham, calling at Trowbridge and Melksham. Buses replace trains between Chippenham and Swindon
Sunday 15th April - Trains are replaced by buses from Westbury to Chippenham (calling at Trowbridge and Melksham) and between Chippenham and Swindon.
Monday 23rd to Thursday 26th April - morning and late afternoon peak trains will run (though some will be up to 20 minutes earlier - please check), with daytime trains replaced by buses. Due to buses being significanlty slower than trains, some bus sevices will leave earlier than the train they are replacing, and some will arrive later at their destination. This means that some services will not connect as they usually do. The line will also be used on these days for diverted trains between London and the West Country, some of which will stop at both Westbury and Swindon thus providing extra direct train services.
Similar changes to the ones from 23rd to 26th April are planned for Monday 14 to Thursday 17 May, Monday 4 to Thursday 7 June, Monday 9 to Thursday 12 July, Monday 16 July to Sunday 5 August, Tuesday 28 to Thursday 30 August, Monday 8 to Thursday 11 October and Monday 19 to Thursday 22 November. Dates and details are subject to change, and there are likely to be other engineering works after 27th April which also cause a change in train provision away from the published timetable.
Please see
http://atrebatia.info/winter18_mkm_v1.pdf for the regular train service scheduled on none-engineering days.
Please check at
http://www.gwr.com for deatils of your journey on days where engineering changes are planned.
For an immediate check on your day of travel, look at
http://train.fyi - the TransWilts app, which has real time running information available to you.