Wales OnlineArriva Trains Wales are to clamp down on the sale of discounted tickets on trains from next week.
At the moment those travelling from stations where tickets are sold can still get cheap ones on board – for example using a young person’s rail card.
But as of next week they will no longer be able to do this and instead they will have to pay full price.
The rail firm said the rules had always been in place but now they would be enforced.
“There are national rules around railcards, where you can and cannot get the discount from,” a source said.
“If you go past a booking office or ticket machine you can’t get the railcard discount on the train.
“The exception is Disabled Railcards and these discounts are given regardless.”
Do all
ATMs▸ at stations served by Arriva Trains Wales accept cash? If not, the source is saying that the rail card discount when starting from these unstaffed stations with
TVMs▸ will only be available if you're paying by card ...