Bugger, I am sitting on the train having bought the Cholsey option as a weekly set and have just realised that sitting on this 1742 I'm in a bit of bother!!!!
When the inspector comes round what do I ask for to sort it out? A single from Padd to Didcot?
Can I take my ticket in to ticket office and get it changed and pay difference as am likely to be doing the 1742 several times this week!
There remains some doubt in my mind as to whether the easement is valid for stopping the route "short" or joining "late" at Reading as it states "passengers travelling from Cholsey" [and both directions] which you aren't. However, I'll work on the assumption that normal conditions extend to the easement, and
if that assumption is correct you need to purchase before travelling on that train a single from Reading (where your season ticket
PAD» -
RDG▸ runs out) to
DID▸ , as under 18(c) where one ticket in a split is a season and the other(s) are not, you can use a train that doesn't call at the changeover station.
Having made a ticketing mistake and realising it, you should take steps to correct it as soon as possible. If you seek out the train manager and approach him / her, you are showing intent to sort out the situation. If you wait for a possible ticket check, that would point towards an attempt to travel fraudulently, and if such a check doesn't come and you carry on knowing you were wrong but not paying at all, that would in all likelihood be regarded as fraudulent travel.