I think that may be the wrong link, Phil? It's on that particular map, but stylised / small an with Melksham Station missing - but then so are other stations.
have come across many maps that leave it out, though and the point about needing to protect is valid - indeed that's the strategy arm of TransWilts. Lest we forget - as a result of the activities of various parties
the service was increased from 2 to 5 trains each way per day in May 2001, and passenger numbers grew. However, the services weren't a part of the main franchise (rather a "trial") and when the next franchise came along, the specification was without them - it was in general a very harsh specification across the region at that time.
I can quote two examples within the last couple of year where we've had to challenge too and one we lost ... so, Phil, you are totally correct to raise the flag.