Dear Reader, I have hijacked this old post of mine to allow me to write in public an update of what's been going on with me, without making a big song and dance of it. Although the thread is dated 2015, the post is current as of 26th July 2018 - doing it this way allows me to avoid my personal issues bubbling to the top of the indexes. No secrets (and you can share this if you feel others might be interested), but no headlines sought.
26th July 2018. I have a "frozen shoulder" and that means that I have further limitations in what I can do, both directly and indirectly. It means pulling out of certain activities, perhsps for quite a long while - some I may be away so long I can't get back. It means accepting or asking for help with things I could have done before. And it means managing expectations and pulling back on some commitments. In the short term, that's some things I've said I will do being cancelled or delegated.
Now - the last thing that many people will want is a blow by blow desription of the issues, with me constantly and boringly bringing it up - so I'm adding this on the end of my old blog as a reference just in case you want to read on.
How did this happen?Last week, I fell. Landed quite hard on my shoulder (and hand, finger, elbow, leg). Thought I was just a bit bruised, cut and sore - very lucky. However, shoulder has not got right - rather the reverse, getting stiffer, less able to move, and more painful. Turns out I have "Frozen Shoulder".
What is frozen shoulder?From Frozen shoulder means your shoulder is painful and stiff for months, sometimes years. It can be treated with shoulder exercises and painkillers.How is it effecting me?Management summary - there's a lot I cannot do at the moment, either directly from the phyiscal limits or from the pain and lack of sleep. Small print - need help dressing; cannot drive, tired and not as crisp as I would like to be through lack of sleep; unable to write; can type but very prone to errors - even more than usual; can't write on whiteboard; not easy to go shopping / pick things up into basket; not easily able to lift / fetch / carry in normal course of what I would do. Can't brush my hair! Have to learn to shave left handed. Hard to Iron (yes, I do know how!).
On painkillers / more pain reducers. Some of which are of the "do not operate machinery" variety. Third medical appointment in three days today, but although all this sounds like short term action, it sound like it will be a very long time before I'm fully back / recovered.
The good news - not effecting my ability to think (even if frustrating the ability to convey those thoughts), not reducting my ability to read, or listen (still have a workinge ear. Limiting but not removing other capabilities.
So what does this mean?I have postponed / put onto hold three IT courses, missed out on a seminar this week, and been later than I should have been in getting lots of things done. As I get over the initial wavs of this unexpected shoulder, I should be able to tune committments to meet abilities - so any "I know I said I would but I can't" will be over quickly.
Longer term, potentially another life-changing event. The NHS web page cheerfully suggests between 18 months and 2 years is typical for a resolution, and I can't stay fresh with training for that time. We are already in process of simlifying down personal life - disposing of assets no longer needed and re-positioning for an active retirement / semi-retireemnt. But the time to shout longer term stuff is not during the first week and through the pain and fire-fighting of studd that wasn't completed over the last fortnight when it should have been.
How can you / I help?You are already - by reading and understanding. Thank you. Beyond that - I will continue to try and make it fun or effective in your work or otherwise rewarding if you help - multiples of those if possible. Lifts appreciated where offered, lifting and carrying appreciated where offered too.
And thank you to people already rallying around. Especial mention for Lisa, but also others too many to mention - if
you have stepped in to help already, this means I'm thanking you!
Original post, subject "Overnight backups", read:Database backup issue overnight. No posts lost, but please note that personal messages sent after 02:15 may not have made it, and post / thread you have read in the last few hours may be marked "unread" again.
Just doing final checks ... this is a test post too