Melksham seems to be very priviledged compared with Hanborough ...
Or perhaps things have moved forward from the Hanborough design ... and they'll move forward in future years when Hanborough's shelter is next improved, leaving Melksham saying "wouldn't it be nice if ...".
The extension at the end of the shelter is for a ticket machine, and over the past couple of days groundworks have been going on there ready for its installation. There's a very real need for this, as we're getting to the stage that the train manager doesn't have enough time to sell tickets between stations ...
The area being worked on this week is cycle shelter replacement ... and I'm hopeful that the works will include a slight lowering of the ground so that the puddle that you have to stand in to read the out-facing notice board can drain.
We're delighted to now have a lit shelter
... and one which is far less exposed to the elements. For sure, it's typically not going to provide enough space for everyone who's waiting for a train at the rate we're going, and I hope the new cycle shelter will give some protection too.