'tis the Christmas season ... and still this oft-repeating story goes on ...
Cancellations to services between Bath Spa and Chippenham
Due to a person being hit by a train between Bath Spa and Chippenham all lines are blocked.
... Highbridge the other day, somewhere around Corsham / Box today. It would be a miracle if they were the last of the year. And how can we work for the miracle of a signifiant drop in the numbers next year?
If you know someone who needs a hand, a meal, a friendly word over Christmas ... think of them, remember them and give them than hand, that meal, that friendly word. And if you would like such a gesture, please ask; there are people wanting to help youEdit to add ... our thread at
http://www.firstgreatwestern.info/coffeeshop/index.php?topic=6526.0 goes further into "person hit by train" and provides links to resources and contacts that can help. You are NOT alone.