As many of our readers will know, I have developed something of a speciality in moving, merging and indeed splitting topics on this forum.
This is always done purely in the interests of clarity and continuity, and for ease of future reference - I never delete any posts, I merely rearrange them.
As this forum has grown, from its birth in 2007, we now have some 143,137 posts in 11,401 topics from 1,443 members. With the passing of time, many of the original headings chosen for topics have lost some of their impact: a topic headed "Guess what!" from 2008 turns out to be a discussion of the cancellation of the down sleeper from Paddington due to a member of train crew being unavailable, for example.
I've therefore taken the opportunity, whenever I have the time
and when it's appropriate to do so, to merge any such discussions into a single topic, with a hopefully more descriptive new heading.
However: I am limited by the number of characters I can use in such 'merged topic' headings (as one of my fellow administrators can testify, it took me
an inordinate amount of time to resolve just one such example to his satisfaction
I therefore propose that, in future, I no longer try to include the phrases 'merged topic' nor possibly even 'ongoing discussion' in any of my combined topic headings: I'll simply rename the newly merged topic with a precise, but as detailed as possible, description of what it now covers.
Hopefully, this will improve the future 'readability' of the whole Coffee Shop forum - which we know is used as a reference source by
many more readers than we have active members!