I would be interested how many sessions came from Norway and whether they were visitors or members. Also whether or not if the same IP Address has several sessions.
I have a hunch that these sessions *may* be UK▸ members and/or visitors
In the last month, 7 out of 30,183 sessions came from Norway. They were all new / different / unlinked sessions, and in every case just one page was viewed. 3 were from the Oslo area, 2 from Hordaland and 1 each from Akershus and Oppland.
I would describe the Norwegian visits as a fairly typical light scatter / nothing really surprising or odd to me. Sweden, Denmark, Mexico, New Zealand, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Greece and Portugal all have very similar patterns; the total country list for the last month was 81 entries long, and included one line "not set" which accounted for 19 visits / 17 new users.
The norwegian sessions have the characteristics of search engine arrivals where the person either gets straight to what they want, or says "nah, not what I was looking for".
Or is there something you know that means I should take a further look at them?