I'll resist the urge to go off an a technical analysis of this article. However 200GB/s is a frightening thought of available bandwidth. At max capacity that would allow you to shift just over 61 Petabytes of data every month! That works out at roughly 1646GB (1.65TB) Data every single minute!
I do like the articles reference to the the following things:
Passengers may be able to watch streamed videos on their mobiles
The key word there is "may"

I am being very over cynical there and probably reading too much into it. That being said when Myself and ladyfriend trout came back from London Paddington last Monday, I was able to work on my laptop without any Internet Problems at all. Even going as far as using Remote Desktop, VPN and LogMeIn without any bandwidth issues at all. I managed the same on the c2c and GreaterAnglia lines too. Of course there are places with dropouts, Avoncliff certainly being one of them, where no-one can get a signal.
I know where most of the blackspots are and to be honest, I tend not to bother with on-train WiFi with the exception of Voyager and Meridian units which have the unfortunate design flaw of blocking Cell Signals.
A fellow associate of mine who wears a black hat ( <-- IT Techies will know the reference there! ) seems to think it was intentional. Up until I told them that even train staff have to go into "The Rubber Bit" to make a phone call...!

As you can see though in my WiFi Speed Tests in the other thread, Train WiFi is god awful for anything a little more than basic web browsing and e-mails.
I tethered on my 4G Handset just to see if I could play CounterStrike Source online whilst on a Virgin Train... It actually worked!
So, my opinion on trains having WiFi 5 years ago is probably not my opinion now. However just like I said with the London Underground having WiFi and there being not much need. If the technology is there, I do find myself using it.
My only concerns are, that with technology like this, I really it's not installed on the cheap and becomes unreliable. Especially if the fibre is also going to be carrying data essential to the safe running of the railway.
As a completely separate subject I agree with Ladyfriend Trout's Seniors that there is going to be a massive influx of RSI based injuries to peoples Necks where they are glued to their Smart Phones/Tablets etc!
I'll resist the urge to go off an a technical analysis of this article.