This is a few days old but doesn't seem to have been picked up. The trial opened a fortnight ago.
Hairdresser died at level crossing after signalman wrongly lifted the barrier when he became distracted by phone call- Jane Harding, 52, was killed when train smashed into her car
- Her husband, who was driving, escaped the crash unharmed
- Signalman Adrian Maund had been taking a call from a farmer
- Court told a ^40,000 safety device might have prevented the tragedy
By Andy Dolan
PUBLISHED:14:34, 7 February 2013| UPDATED:10:18, 8 February 2013
A mother died when her car was hit by a train on a level crossing because a signalman mistakenly raised the barriers after becoming distracted by a phone call, a court heard.
The car that hairdresser Jane Harding, 52, was in was struck by a passenger train at 61mph and dragged 150 yards down the track.
A jury was told that moments before the crash, signalman Adrian Maund ^panicked^ when a local farmer called for a second time seeking clearance to guide his sheep over another crossing further up the track.
While he was distracted, Maund lifted the barriers, believing the Manchester to Milford Haven train had already passed the crossing, the court heard.
Maund, 43, only realised his fatal mistake when he saw it approaching at 80mph around a corner ^ and frantically tried to lower the barriers and change the signal at the Moreton-on-Lugg, Herefordshire, crossing.
Mrs Harding^s husband, Mark, who was driving their Volkswagen Touareg, survived the incident with shoulder and pelvic injuries.
Birmingham Crown Court heard that although human error was a factor in the crash, the tragedy could have been prevented if Network Rail had not declined to spend ^40,000 on a simple safety device which could stop signals being changed when a train was approaching.
He was distracted by a call from a farmer asking if he could herd sheep across the tracks at Moreton-on-Lugg
The company, which owns and operates rail infrastructure, allegedly refused to install the approach-locking system during improvement works a year earlier because of cost concerns.
This decision made the firm equally culpable, according to Philip Mott QC, prosecuting. Mr Mott added: ^Network Rail took the decision not to install this device because it would cost ^40,000 ^ that device could have saved a life.
^An approach-locking system has been around since the 1960s and can be used to stop signals being changed when trains are still coming through. In 2009 there was quite a lot of work done at the Moreton crossing and the barriers were replaced. There were discussions to have an approach-locking device which were rejected. Why not put in this device? The reason was money. Was the cost too great to avoid the cost of a human life?^
In a police interview in January 2010, Maund said he lifted the barriers because he thought the train had already passed as cars were waiting at the crossing. But train driver Andrew Robins had too little time to slow down and struck the Hardings^ VW and a second vehicle, a Vauxhall Astra.
Mother-of-one Mrs Harding, from Marden, Herefordshire, died after being taken to hospital. Carol-Anne Thornewell and her 12-year-old daughter, who were in the Astra, walked away from the crash.
Maund, from Leominster, Herefordshire, has pleaded not guilty to failing to take reasonable care for the health and safety of railway and railway crossing users.
The maximum penalty he could face is two years in prison, and/or an unlimited fine.
Network Rail has also denied a separate charge of failing in its duty of care of the health and safety of railway and railway crossing users. It faces a maximum penalty of a ^20,000 fine.
The trial, which is expected to last three weeks, continues.