8th February 2013. I have put in and been quoted a rather reasonable ^40.25 First Class Advance (FDS = ^54.65 - Still reasonable
IMO▸ ) for the Premier Service from Cardiff Central - Wrexham General.
The problem. Well according to WebTIS booking engines, despite the Fare showing up as available. The box even when you select the FDS at ^54.65 and go to select the 18:21 is still greyed out. So both the First Advance and the First Day Single show as available but the train is greyed out.
Click the train to find out what is going on. Shows as having the Restaurant for First Class Passengers. But according to WebTIS it does NOT have First Class Accomodation... Errr what what?
So I have a train that a ticket is valid on. I just can't book it. The real teeth kicker? thetrainline.com does show the train as having First Class... Down to the station to book that one me thinks. Especially if a voucher for ^27.40 appears anytime soon
Oh. I sharn't point out that there is a First Advance option at ^61.00!!
Who should that one be mentioned to out of curiosity?