Looking for historic train usage figures, I came across this in a 2007
ATOC» report:
http://www.atoc.org/clientfiles/files/publicationsdocuments/npsA67D_tmp.pdfand the report goes on to look at / forward for the next 50 years. An interesting read, forecasting continuing growth and how to cope with that growth - you can see the seeds of
HS2▸ in there, and beyond. I saw the other day (help, can someone remind me of the reference) a forecast of a further 40% growth in passenger numbers forecast in the next few years, and I'm conscious of rises even since the graph above was compiled
Chippenham - 1.47 million to 1.75 million journeys per annum 2007/8 to 2011/12
Trowbridge - 0.58 million to 0.78 million
Salisbury 1.68 million to 1.88 million
Swindon 2.76 million to 3.23 million
Warminster 0.3 million to 0.35 million
Bradford-on-Avon 0.29 million to 0.46 million
Frome 0.1 million to 0.15 million
Westbury 0.35 million to 0.45 million
That's a rise from 7.53 million to 9.05 million journeys (over 20%) in just 4 years ... and you'll note I'm quoting number of journeys, when it's the average journey length which has shown a pattern of growth over the years, was at record (non wartime) levels in 2007 and is undoubtedly much higher now that 4 years ago!