Every now and again the 23:20
BRI» -
FRO» Service is replaced in it's entirety by a Bus/Coach. Last week (or week before possibly) I caught the rail replacement coach service which called Bradford-on-Avon and Trowbridge. Now normally this would run from Trowbridge - Westbury and then onto Frome.
However last time I caught it, the driver skipped Westbury completely. Does anyone know what provisions if any that passengers would've received? I know you are likely to say: "What are the odds of someone catching the 00:08
WSB» - FRO when it is a train" Well I can answer that, every once in a while: Me! Having got off the last PMH - WSB Service and then waiting 40 odd minutes for the Frome train. S***e connection I know, but better than walking and often for the same price as a ticket to WSB, I would be ^15 - ^25 better off as I wouldn't need a taxi
I can tell you *if* I was catching the service when it was Rail Replacement, to be told that the coach had skipped Westbury I wouldn't be too impressed. As I know only too well at that time in the morning it is practically impossible to source a taxi easily, let alone quickly!
Should the driver have called at WSB and if this is a regular thing to happen, what would be a backup plan if I found myself in that situation?