relex109 - Penalty Fares and excess fares to Anytime tickets exist for customers who make mistakes. Some companies do seem to enjoy extracting revenue out of customers who make a mistake. If a
TOC▸ makes a mistake and lets you take a 'scenic route' then if you want to think that is 'unethical' that's your choice, but I don't see anything wrong in forming a contract if the other party agrees to the contract. Up until the time the money is taken they can decline the sale. Once the money is taken, they could still cancel it and refund you, but if they let you collect the ticket then that is binding in my opinion, and it's clear that
ATOC» don't disagree with that. Ethical or not? That is up to the individual to decide.
Just a thought on this intriguing thread. As KX to Finsbury Park is frimly in both ex NSE▸ trerritory and London Farezones, aren't single tickets issued for use on the day only. If it's a farezone ticket don't you have to make the whole journey in 2 hours, that's the case with Oyster▸
I'm not aware of a "Farezone" nor a "Farezone ticket".
Would it be legitimate for someone North of say Newcastle to say you can't make this journey in a day going via Inverness, therefore ticket not valid.
If you did not have an itinerary and/or reservations it would not be valid on the basis that "but the website said..." it would only be valid if reservations and/or an itinerary were produced, which would over-rule the normal routeing restrictions.
Who's going to be brave enogh to try it!
People have already done things like Wigan-Oxenholme via London, Swindon to Three Bridges via Looe, etc.
What it does show, once again, is that the current fare system is "Not Fit for Purpoose"
Agreed, but we can't change the system. We could however change certain aspects of it, but my concern is that there would have to be guarantees in place to protect passengers. If you let the TOCs do anything they would severely restrict the routes we could take and bump up prices massively.