Sorry if I^ve caused any issues posting that question.
In hindsight the passenger alarm would have been a good idea, but as we were so close to the destination and said issue couldn^t happen again before the destination ( and there was no way I^d be able to get to the alarm as the train was packed) I decided to report it at the station. I also called FGW▸ , and I have to say how impressed I was with the person I called. There was no log made of when I reported the issue at the station, but that^s not to say it wasn^t dealt with. I still feel it^s best not to go into details, but I can assure you all I^m not using this forum as publicity or for scare mongering, I generally didn^t know how to best to report the issue.
Thank you,
As a member of the public you can only report these things to a member of staff at the time or just after even as a Railway employee it can be the best way, you were quite correct to follow it up as you did, the incident should have been logged by the staff member at the very least that area will get a cascade brief to remind staff of the correct process