The London media seem to have got it into their head to go after the T-cup following any incidents on the SSR. AIUI▸ there were two failures, one was to do with newly installed points not working at Aldgate East, and the other was a total signalling failure at Aldgate due to a power surge damaging interface PCBs .
The reversionary mode of operation was to terminate the H&C at Moorgate (which causes additional conflicting crossing moves), and terminate the Met at Aldgate, using local manual control of the points. A full District service ran through on the south of the triangle, with the junction at Aldgate East clipped for that direction. The Circle ran between Edgware Rd and Mansion House.
This gets distilled down from 'SSR in chaos' to 'Circle cancelled' - and the blame is then levelled at the T-cup. In my experience this sort of incident would have previously led to complete withdrawal of the Circle anyway, but they kept it going partially.
Quite right! The new system is so obviously MUCH better, why have the press found this so difficult to grasp?