I think there is nothing worse in the wonderful world of the web than not keeping a website up to date.
I think that's a bit harsh, Timmer. I have pages that are out of date - painfully out of date - on some of the sites I look after and even on some of the information pages here. I do *try* to come back with tags to tell people where to refer to, but will all my will I just don't have the resources to be first, or even second, there with the news.
It's this issue that makes a forum such as our, or a wiki, so valuable because they can be updated without a central authority.
Why bother having one if you don't keep it up to date?
Because if the only web sites out there were the ones that are 100% up to date, the web would be a pretty empty place

I do agree that last weekend's engineering works are MUCH less useful that next weekend's, and that last year's timetables (for our TransWilts line) make depressing reading showing 5 well spaced and times trains per day rather that just two in "Marginal time". But we mustn't throw out the baby with the bathwater.
FGW▸ would like to provide a public update / forum / wiki type site for their customers and staff to get all the up to date information out there, well linked and co-ordinated to their glossier and better structured regular pages. Discussion links from each page as some of the newspapers are doing now .... and it might even reduce the need for me to run places like this.