Thank you for that, readytostart.
I really don't like to be pedantic (honestly!

), but it does help if someone can actually answer the question, "where does it say that?"

Wow, this must be my most quoted post to date!
Chris, if memory serves it's TW1: Preparation and Movement of Trains: General
Not got my bad with me so couldn't say for certain.
As for some of the knickers in a twist brigade (nice to see you're having a rest from
XC▸ baiting) of course on the authority of the signaller or a
TOCs▸ control you would be able to release doors or detrain, I would however assume that in this situation the signaller and
FGW▸ control were rather busy dealing with a signalling failure and would like all staff on the ground to follow instructions as safely and efficiently as possible to enable a contingency service to run.