PS: Chiltern Evergreen is fully funded (according to the FAQs▸ on their website).
So unless costs spiral out of control, I can't see any plans being shelved. Chiltern have completed 2 such projects on time and on budget already.
Actually not. Evergreen 3 will be funded by Network Rail (as they did the ^60 million for Evergreen 1) and Chiltern have said they will repay the investment through higher track access charges (as they did for Evergreen 1) but, of course, that only applies for so long as they have the franchise. If they deliver Evergreen 3 the franchise will expire in 2022 (i.e. after 20-years) but the repayments will need to continue for much longer than that.
That means the Department for Transport has to underwrite the cost of Evergreen 3 as the subsequent franchise will be expected to continue paying back Network Rail, and that could mean a need for a higher subsidy or a lower premium payment - both of which would concern
DfT» . Chiltern have to convince Network Rail and DfT and get agreement on funding by 1st December this year. Whilst Chiltern can say they have the funding for the scheme what they actually mean is the repayments for the rest of the franchise.