The customer facing train crew on my local line are really
really good ... and I don't think we say "thank you" enough. A friendly attitude and excellent customer service makes so much difference, especially to those who aren't regulars and need that extra bit of help.
I have made two experimental trips with [name] in the wheelchair. In both cases the train ticket man (not sure what his official title is) were very helpful both with getting on/off and also with tickets. I^d like to send a thank you email to express appreciation. Who do I send it to?
Darned good question ... posting in public to seek your thoughts but also to get those THANY YOU words out ... and to add my own.
A huge "Thank You" to our operational team who help to make our journeys happier experiences. It's hard to quantify happiness, but I'm sure my contact above will be making more journeys based on his experiences during his experiments, and I know of other cases too where our train is selected as the means of travel based on it being a happy way to travel.