1.Check JourneyCheck (as I always do) before I leave home (several times but 7.25 at latest).. All good.. no updates that affect me
2. Walking along alley way by station 25 minutes later I hear an announcement that the 8am fast
HST▸ is down to 3 cars (wow how did THAT happen in under half hour since it leaves Didcot at 7.14).. Must have morphed along the way
3. Can't get on the 3 car turbo at 8am (funny that)
4. Can't get on the 8.04 either - 4 car turbo (funny that)..
5. Get to work quite late
Marvellous.. (Not!!)..
Wish I had stayed at home till later.. Now isn't that what JourneyCheck would be a good thing for making that decision?