Hi, new members!

This is addressed particularly to those who have joined this forum as members recently - although anyone who joined some time ago, but has yet to post their first message, is included!
I'm delighted that we continue to see people joining us as members here - at least one every couple of days - and that's really great, at a time when the service provided by our local Train Operating Company is 'far less worse' than it was a year ago, for example!
And on that note, I'd like to encourage / remind those members that your views will be welcome here: please do think about posting your first message soon. We in the admin team have a policy of acknowledging, and thanking, everyone on their first post - and I'm not convinced that we've missed one yet!

We do look forward to hearing from you 'Newbies' - please don't be put off if the software calls you that: just post a few messages and you'll soon become a 'Jr. Member'!
If anyone has any problems posting, or isn't sure about how to do so - please, just contact one of the admin team.