Westerrn GatewayOn Friday 20 December, our Strategic Investment Plan consultation will launch. The consultation seeks to get your feedback on the transport schemes we’ve shortlisted to take forward as part of our Strategic Investment Plan, and will run from 20 December 2024 – 2 February 2025.
What’s the SIP? The SIP is a multi-modal investment plan designed to boost the economy and make life better for people, for businesses and for the environment. Our draft SIP builds on our Strategic Transport Plan (STP), which was adopted in March 2024 and was created to guide future transport investment in the region, focusing on key strategic issues relevant the Western Gateway region.
When signed off, the SIP will be a blueprint for future investment in strategic transport infrastructure in the Western Gateway region over the next decade.
To get up to speed before submitting your thoughts in our survey, we’re running a series of webinars, with the first ones kicking off this Thursday!