With Swansea-Manchester meant to be 5 carriages on most services from the timetable change in a few weeks are TFW confident that they are finally able to deliver this? According to the FAQ▸ 's on the website it sounds like they are.
Also after looking at RTT» it seems the arrival from Manchester loses 3 carriages at Swansea with the 2 car going to West Wales and the 3 car just sits in Swansea for an hour until the next 2 car comes from West Wales. The 0945 arrival at Swansea (from Crewe in this instance) then sits there until the next departure to Manchester at 1054. It appears that the few trains that still go from West Wales to Cardiff the hours they dont go to Manchester will 2 cars throughout which could see 2 cars on some busy Cardiff-Milford services.
I hope the all-day couple/uncouple arrangement works out in practice. A Sprinter covering something would snarl it up!
I wonder if there's any scope to swap the arrangement so the 3 car portion goes past Swansea and then ends up on Cardiffs in between. With most other routes in theory going up to an appropriate new baseline train length (
CDF» -HHD 3 car, CDF-MAN 5 car etc) the off-hour Cardiff-West journeys are a bit of an anomoly being stuck with 2 cars. Swapping the arrangement would mean more 3 car (with Standard Plus) diagrams in total, as some will be locked into West Wales cycles at any one time. I can see why the extras aren't attaching/detaching at Swansea - it would otherwise involve having two sets couple/uncouple movements going on at the same time each hour, and either very tight movements or having overlapping layovers, none of which is good for resilience. Maybe once things have settled down the 'extras' could have a separate routine of attaching/detaching a 2 car set at CMN to make 4 cars.
Several 153 subs today, it seems, and a 150 on at least one Ebbw Vale diagram, which was doing the stepping-up thing that suggests availability is tight. So I am a bit concerned about how there will suddenly be an increase in availability! Especially with 150s starting to be withdrawn now
AIUI▸ . 756s are starting to appear; only 1 diagram on today, as far as I could see, but I wouldn't be surprised if there were a dramatic increase in the next few weeks. That would help to cascade some 150s to the Valleys routes currently operated with 153s, which would then help to cover the
SWML▸ locals etc until 197 availability improves. Most of the Pembrokes seem to be 197s atm, for example, so they could be released if covered by 153s per previous plans.
I would hope that all diagrams involved in the Manchester-West Wales-Cardiff-West Wales-Manchester workings would be prioritised for 197s. If a Sprinter does happen to end up on a working in an emergency I would guess it would have to work as a 2 car Sprinter throughout the diagram with no split (unless another Sprinter could be found).
It would have been better if the 3 car had continued to West Wales and the 2 car sat in Swansea for an hour however i guess there isnt enough capacity with the 3 cars to do that. About 4 of the 'Cambrian' 197s have now entered service and hopefully the remaining 3 cars (currently 2 outstanding) will be in service soon but even with with the extra units they still seem to struggle.
Im unsure which working on the Maesteg and Ebbw Vale lines are booked Sprinters or booked 197s. I know the Newport-Ebbw Vales are Sprinters and often seem to be a single 153 (good use of stock when they are short as I think officially they are booked 2 cars) but there are quite a few 150s and pairs of 153s that turn up on Maesteg and Ebbw Vale which makes me wonder if some are booked as such.
Personally I think post Dec TT change if they are short of 197s it would be better for Ebbw Vale-Maesteg and Swanline-Pembroke Dock to be subbed for Sprinters before anything else. With the new trains on the Valleys there should be more spare 150s around to hopefully cover and keep the 197s where they need to be.
Also I understand the 5th MK4 diagram is supposed to start with the new timetable (0530 Swansea to Manchester etc) so that should free up another 197. Whether it actually happens is another thing.